Wednesday, January 8, 2014

September 16. Tidbits of Knowledge

Something I was thinking about this week was understanding. Our entire goal as a missionary is to get others to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. I was reading in Alma 17 and 18 where Ammon becomes the servant of King Lamoni and then Ammon guards the flocks and ends up chopping off the arms of the thieves... 
Anyway, King Lamoni, after hearing about what Ammon did, connects the dots in his brain and comes up with the conclusion that Ammon is the Great Spirit. He is convinced of it because that is all he understands. He doesn't know God, or missionaries, or anything of the sort. He thinks he KNOWS until Ammon comes and explains everything to him. And then King Lamoni understands so much more and is converted unto the Lord. 
When we really understand our purpose, the plan of Salvation, who Jesus Christ is, anything really... We internalize these things. And we act according to our understanding. 
Thank goodness for the 3 hours of study we have every day so that our understanding can increase, and in turn act on that understanding.

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