Monday, January 13, 2014

November 10

I'm glad things have been good this week! They went pretty well for us, too. 
We found a few new investigators and people were actually calling US for appointments. Weird... Normally it is the other way around. 
Being a missionary is the only time it is acceptable to invite yourself over to things. I don't really feel weird about it anymore, but I feel like I should.
P.S. I will probably be calling on Christmas Eve. In the morning. There are some members here that have already claimed us for Christmas Eve and they want us to stay longer than the 3 hours we are allotted, so they told us we can do our calls at their house. They are great. Haha
I don't have a ton of time to write today because we spent our p day going to visit an investigator in a different city.... Which was awesome and she committed to a solid baptismal date on the 21st of December! Her name is Noreen and she is amazing. She's been taught by the sisters for a while so she knows a lot but has not made a baptismal date yet. She will this time. Pray for her?
Hildegard and Clarissa are doing well. They are not really progressing at the moment so we are on a break... so to say. But we are keeping in contact with them. They are amazing and they will get
I love you! If you need anything from here, let me know! I wanted to send kinder uberraschung eggs but they are not legal in america. Apparantly they open the chocolate and take out the toy inside. Unfortunate. You will just have to get them when you come to pick me up. :)

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