Wednesday, January 8, 2014

October 7. Conference Impressions

Something really neat that happened. Last week we met a man named Ben that invited us over to his house to talk with him and his wife about what we do. We went over on Tuesday and gave his wife, Somaya, a Book of Mormon in Arabic and talked about it a little more. She was so thankful and told us that she wanted to read to her kids out of it because she knew it was something good for them to learn. We invited her to come to General Conference and she said she really would like to, and see what she could do to make it work. On Sunday, we picked her, and two of her sons up to go to the church. We were keeping them quietly entertained with coloring books and puzzles (One is 14 but has only been in Germany for 2 months and knows almost no German. The other is 6. She has two more boys at home, 4, and 4 months) while Somaya listened to the talks. She was so impressed with the conviction of the speakers, especially Elder Holland and is excited to have us over again to talk more about what she felt and what happened at conference. 
What a wonderful weekend, right?
We also went by on contacts at the university yesterday morning and ended up finding 4 new investigators. 
The Lord helps us with the goals that we set :) I am so thankful.
Conference, also, was such a highlight. Every 6 months we get to listen to the Prophet of God. Live. Ah, I just get so excited. 
I took notes a little differently this time. There were some things that the speakers said that stuck out to me, so I did write them down, but I wrote down what my thoughts and feelings were during the time they were speaking. 
As Ulisses Soares was speaking about being meek and humble, I remembered a discussion Sister Schmidt and I had a few weeks ago. The point was this: God does not usually come at a time that is 100% convenient for us. However, God does not have time restrictions. There was an analogy that we found. Say the president of the united states wants to visit you (we can also use Angela Merkl for this example. Haha). He says what time he will be there and you fit your schedule to his, right? You don't tell him "Ah, that's actually a bad day. I am getting a haircut". NO! You would conform to his timetable! So how much more important is it to follow the timetable of God, the supreme being of the UNIVERSE?
Takes only a little humility when you understand how important he is ;)
I also realized how much I love President Monson. Every conference he says that it has been especially uplifting, especially spiritual, especially marvelous.. But this time it was different. When he talked about his wife, you could tell that the messages and impressions gained from conference were just as much for him and his spiritual well being as it was for the rest of us. Sometimes I forget that the prophet of God is a man. He needs support and help, maybe even moreso than we do, from our loving Heavenly Father. 
To bring these two thoughts into connection, I am so grateful for a heavenly father that is all powerful, all knowing, and all loving. He has given His son to strengthen us when we are weak and to show us how to become like him. 
Conference is amazing :)

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